team errens
team thriving, heerlen, the netherlands
Head Coach
ben boeke
Together with his brother Arne, he's responsible for Jarno's growth and success over the past 7 years. Ben has a background in MMA, Sanda, Judo and kickboxing
Head Coach
Arne boeke
Head Coach Arne Boekee Together with his brother Ben, he's responsible for Jarno's growth and success over the past 7 years. Arne has a background in MMA, Grappling, Judo and Sanda
Strenght & condition
jonah rohi
Jonah's been working with Jarno since the beginning of his professional MMA career. Together they are continuously working on finding Jarno's maximal physical potential.
Nutrition, Health & Wellbeing
DR. Ludidi
Dr. Ludidi is a top-nutritionist who is in charge of Jarno's nutrition programming, weight-cut and general health management, to help him stay fit all-year round